Thursday, December 10, 2009


Kamis kemarin Vanya ambil Rapot term 1-2... lucu ya kecil2 dah pakai rapot..hasilnya:

Intergrated Language Arts Program
Lavanya can write her own name now. She is starting to comunicate in English with her teachers and friends. Lavanya is very attentive in class and is able to complete her work independently.

Maths Alive Program
Lavanya has good math skills. She learns new concepts with ease and very fast. Lavanya rarely finds any difficulties in completing the given tasks.

Bahasa Indonesia
Lavanya mempunyai pemahaman yang baik dalam menyimak pelajaran, aktif menjawab pertanyaan saat diskusi dan senang mendengarkan cerita.

Lavanya now enjoys learning Mandarin very much, She has good memory and is very receptive to new ideas. She is also able to reply to simply greetings.

Art & Crafts
Lavanya is eager to do art & carft. She concentrates hard in producing beautiful artwork.

Learning Through Play
Lavanya enjoys indoor activities. She loves riding the bicycle and playing with the soft toys. Lavanya takes good care of her toys.

Lavanya loves our computer sessions, with some guidance she is able to complete the given tasks.

Lavanya is learning to throw and catch tha ball properly. She likes relay games and also playing musical chairs.

Move with Music Program
Lavanya alway participates enthutiastically in MMP. She can follow the instructions well.

Itu rapot Vanya buat term 1-2, pas kemarin ketemu gurunya, yang jadi masalah sama Vanya cuman satu, dia jarang banget mau makan makanan sekolah, selalu maunya yg dibawa dr rumah atau makanan temannya... ;( jadi mama hrs prepare makanan terus buat dia hehehe...


Ledisa said...

vanya pinteeeerrr

lesca said...

selamat yaaa...
rapotnya mbak vanya bagus banget!!